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Tropheous deboisi maswa


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I hear you mate, I dont have a fancy shmancy camera. With me its point, click and wait for the best tongue.gif I also understand tropheus are forever on the go so you've done well to get what you did. Keep at it mate! I find if you try to anticpate where the fish will be when the shutter opens you have more chance of getting a decent shot.

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Thanks Blakey boy

I know there not crash hot but I really love the fish.

I must have 200 pics of fish that I have taken with my camera since I bought it a couple of years ago.

I think I need to buy photoshop so that I can sharpen up the pics and crop the pics.

It seems to amke a diference.

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Even with all the fancy software, nothing is a substitute for a good camera and the patience to learn how to use it. Dont be so hard on yourself though, I can still see theyre beautiful fish and thats what matters.

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