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</DIV><H1>Feeding Going on a holiday?!</H1><DIV id=Qtextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Pommie Dave</STRONG><BR><BR>


I'm after some advice on feeding fish whilst away from home on a holiday. I'll be away for 2 weeks in a couple of months time YIPPEEEEEE... sorry... and I was concerned about what things I should remember to do in order to keep all my fish alive and well.



The pleasure of the feeding job goes to a mate who incidentally isn't a fish person... so yup it looks like my fish are all doomed already! Anyway I'm trusting him to feed them every 2-3 days with a good dose of food.



Do you think feeding them only once every 3 days is ok?



What type of food would be the best considering the length of time between feeds?



Is there anything else that I should remember to do to ensure I return to see happy smiley fishies??



Just for your information I have 6 tanks with mostly Malawi's and a few Tangies mixed in.



Appreciate any input guys.







</P></DIV><H2>Replies »</H2><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Auscanuckafishy</STRONG><BR><BR>Are they all adults or are there fry mixed in there as well?



If they are all adults, I would probably get him to feed them after a week, and then again half way through the next week, that should see them through no problems i'd say.



Fry are another matter, and would need feeding more often.




</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: SamJW</STRONG><BR><BR>Becareful he doesn't overfeed them each time. I would suggest pre-preparing portions for him to feed your fish just in case (I know that's being very paedantic, however I'd rather see you fish alive).



Enjoy your holiday.







</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Pommie Dave</STRONG><BR><BR>Cheers Mark.



Most tanks I have are homes to adults and juveniles but I've also got a couple of tanks brimming with a mixture of fry ie lionheads, hongi's, saulosi, brichardi's and calvus. I suppose I'd be best to off load these before hand = Less stress to take away.



Also what do you think of the idea to condition the fish so they only get one meal every second day maybe a week before I go... just to get them prepared for the 2 week starve. Or is that going to make them more under nourished for the 2 weeks?



Can you suggest a food to give them if they were feed only once a week? To the adults and juves the is.

</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Auscanuckafishy</STRONG><BR><BR>Actually I find you can train their metabolism to work on a specific feeding regime. It may be good for them otherwise they may pass the food straight through the systems without getting a lot out of it, only to find they are gunna be starved for a bit




When I had fish in my 8ft (which is at my parents house) they weren't too confident in feeding them. So i just said, well don't, and I came up every couple of days to feed them. Eventually they were down to feeds every 3-4 days without showing any real ill-effects. They did gradually become thinner over this time, so I wouldn't do it for too long, my guys went along like this for about 4 months, without too much hassle.

. Now they're back on daily feeds, and they threw on the pounds real quick, I expect their metabolisms to adjust and they should start passing the food more quickly soon, and not storing so much of it




They shouldn't need anything special, just as long as it is a decent quality food, perhaps mix a few foods together just to make sure they're not lacking anything. Just remember when you get home they'll wanna jump outta the tank for your feeding attentions. Alas after 4 months (once my parents were confident to do it, just not every day) my fish forgot who i was








</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Pommie Dave</STRONG><BR><BR>That's great... I've finally stopped sweating about the feeding issue with your advise Mark, you're a bloody champ.



Thanks also Sam.



Have a great Chrissy all!!

</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: meesterclarence</STRONG><BR><BR>Greetings. If you ever have to leave, and can't find someone to help you, then automatic fish feeders are a great thing. You can program them to feed your fish, up to 3 times a day, for up to 2 weeks! Just a thought, fyi. Have fun on vacation.

Meester Clarence


</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: burundi 6 bar</STRONG><BR><BR>you dont want to feed them enough for 2-3 days at once .this will be a recipe for desaster,feed same amounts of food as if feeding each day.unless you dont care if you loose the fish,this is what is likely to happen.


best of luck





</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: richardvo73</STRONG><BR><BR>Hi Dave,



I'd go the automatic fishfeeder, or if you don't want ot (or can't) spend the money go and buy some cheap pill boxes from a $2 shop.



Then tell your friend - "One compartment per feed" If he gets that wrong then I'd be finding a new freind!



I went away for two weeks and my freind looked after my fish just nicely under those instructions....



However I did get home to find the garage door open (blown open by wind - wife didn't close before we left) and man that was nerve wracking!









</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: danceswithdingoes</STRONG><BR><BR>Yes, what Richard said, biggest problem with the 'inexperienced' is overfeeding, ensure each portion is measured and seperated.


</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: YeW2001</STRONG><BR><BR>Dave -



If they are malawis you can always go out and buy 2-3 bunches of elodea and throw that in the tank... there is probably a weeks worth of greens there



This works particularly well for the more vegetarian species - and won't foul your tank.



<P><STRONG>Author: Lucifer</STRONG><BR><BR>Yew is right. use the plants


Im going to be gone for a week and i just bought some plant for my fishes to eat.


Ive done it before and it worked so im doing it again



have fun everyone who is going on hoildays cause i will

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