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What to feed tropheus fry


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Hi all, you tropheus breeders.

Recently i have finally got some fry, 4 duboisi, 6 chipimbi. I stripped both mums after 2 weeks because in the past they have swallowed or spat and i have ended up with no fry! Anyways the duboisi are now about 4 weeks old, from conception, and were all happy until yesterday, when 2 were dead, and another looks pretty skinny, ( i did go away for the weekend) but they have some algae rocks in with them that they are allways grazing on. I did give them some bbs the first few days after the yolk sac was absorbed which they loved, but them i read that bbs is no good for tropheus fry( as with adults) so i stopped feeding them this.they now get finely crushed flake...

Anyways what do others feed their tropheus fry, i realise most breeders probably let the mums spit in the tank.

The 6 chipimbi fry will probably be eating properly within 4 days, they try to eat but can only just swimm with their HUGE yolk sac at present, and i have the duboisi girl holding again as of today,

So just want to give these lil fellas the best start possible i can.

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I have always let my tropheus mums spit in the tank and have never had any problems. The fry have eaten what the adults get - crushed OSI spirulina flake and wafers and blanched zucchini once a week.

Recently I have stripped a KII mum as she was getting too exhausted and picked on. The 10 fry, kept in a separate tank, are now 2 months old and have thrived with the same diet.

I have always followed this regime with nearly all my fry - once the yolk sac is gone, and the fry free swimming they need frequent small feeds throughout the day (just like all bubs) and frequent water changes 2-3 times a week. The tanks have good airflow, but restrict the current, as we don't want them to exercise too much at this stage, they need to have those fat little cute bellies smile.gif .

I'm from the school that feeds no soft proteins e.g bbs to my tropheus.

Your fry may have died for a number of reasons - you may never know why. By what you have described they may not have been getting enough food to sustain them.



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Thanks Aline,

I started to feed crushed sera flora tonight and the seem ok with it. they are in a 2 foot tank, in fry saver net, minimal current effects them.

Will see how they are going on friday when i get back from work, all up to the g/f now.... dntknw.gif

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It breaks my heart sometimes to bore them day in and day out for years on end with the same food cryblow.gif I would love to tempt them with something that I consider yummy to fish. But having no losses is well worth it thumb.gif



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thank sfor that Aline,

Well i arrived home today from the sticks and i now only have the one duboisi and 4 rather pudgy lil chipimbi, they are twice the size on the duboisi fry, is this the usual, are duboisi smaller?

They seem to be eating the crushed flake quite well, and they all constantle graze on the algae pot in with them.

my other duboisi mum still holding, and i think a chipimbi is and my kaches babe, so hard to tell, i think they have small mouthfulls. the duboisi on the other hand is easy to tell....

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Hey hey,

I have found moorii, sp. black and sp. red fry to grow alot faster than the duboisi at the start, but the duboisi's growth rate catches up and surpasses when juvenile. That has only been my experience...maybe others can add here.

Good luck with what remains and better luck with the next mouthfuls smile.gif .


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