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Feeding Fry


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</DIV><H1>When to start feeding fry ?</H1><DIV id=Qtextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Cichlid Boy</STRONG><BR><BR>Hi all,



I have a batch of E-yellow fry which have just started swimming around upright by themselves. Do I wait until the egg-yolk has reduced on their bellies before I start giving them food ?






</P></DIV><H2>Replies »</H2><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: MountainMark</STRONG><BR><BR>as long as they have the egg yolk then they have enough food. So i would say don't feed them til it is gone. As a matter of fact i think i can remember reading somewhere that they won't eat until the yolk is gone (but someone may want to correct me if i'm wrong about that).


</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: hyperdive</STRONG><BR><BR>Once they are swimming off the bottom consistently (not needing the bottom to support their bellies) you can add some finely crushed flake or baby brine shrimp. If they pick at it, keep feeding them small amounts regularly.


<P><STRONG>Author: Cichlid Boy</STRONG><BR><BR>Thanks guys.

</P></DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: chorrylan</STRONG><BR><BR>I've seen fry at that stage who will chase (sort-of) and eat baby brine shrimp but can't imagine that they need to.


I usually have fry at that size in a strainer over a larger fry tub/net so if I'm feeding the larger ones will let the brine shrimp float down past the baby fry.


This gives 'em a reason to swim around a bit while they try to catch the brineshrimp so I consider it a good thing even if they don't need the extra nutrition. (a bit like cichlid_au's racing lanes in his growout tank)


I definately wouldn't do it if I didn't have something bigger in the tank to clean up the brineshrimp though.





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