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One lucky Calvus


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Hi all,

To top off my already bizarre week see here for my Monday post ->I hate mondays

This morning while I was waiting at home until my physio appointment from my activities on Monday. I decided to remove some shells that I put into my octagonal tank on Tuesday. That tank has 2 5-6 cm calvus and 2 lelelupi. These are the last 2 of 5 remaining 1cm calvus I have got about 9 months ago. At that time I noticed that the heater did not seem to working and the tank temperature was down to 21 degrees shock.gif . Quickly I removed the heater and replaced it with a spare that I had thumb.gif .

Then I took the shells out of the tank and put them into a bowl so water would not drip everywhere (Mrs Rossco gets a little stressed about me dripping water everywhere). Meanwhile on stove I sterilising a ceramic log I bought up In Sydney on the weekend before it became a home for some of my BN. I thought oh well I may as well dip the shells in the boiling water as I have those pesty trumpiant snails in that tank. I dipped one of the shells in the water and then for some reason I decided nah I won't do that because I one of the BN from the tank may have made this shell his home. So I then placed the shells in their new tank as I intend to make this a calvus tank as these guys were outgrowing it.

After all this mucking around I thought I better check to see if I lost any of the fish in 20" tank. So I moved plants and rocks and I could only find 1 calvus, both lelelupi and the 4 BN that are in the tank. Having come to the conclusion that I must have lost one of my calvus I decided to go into the lounge room and check out the 4 tank with the shells in. To my surprise I had the still 10 yellows in the tank along with one 5-6cm calvus shock.gif He must have been hiding in one of the shells, so touch wood he will be OK as I have decided to leave him there and I have grown very fond of that little guy. What I week thumb.gif

Sorry I just had to share that one.



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Hi all,

6 days later and it looks like I am going to lose him cryblow.gifcryblow.gif He is feeling very sorry for himself at the bottom of the tank I guess the shock was just too much.


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i lost a 9cm calvus on the weekend. he decided he could easily swallow a 4cm kingsizei that was in the tank with him. he learnt to his dismay that he was wrong. found him and his new found friend on the bottom of the tank saturday morning sad.gif. stupid fish!

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yeah i had a barra at about 3cm once that tried to eat a feeder fish the same size, well he got it down but then was floating the next morning so the feeder must have blocked his throat

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What is it about calvus lately.......my boy dislocated his jaw sad.gif After waiting a couple of days, hoping it would right itself as he wasn't eating, I went to catch him to see if I could manually help out when it popped back into place uuuuggghhhhh blink.gif

Maybe it's a full moon for calvus dry.gif

Hope he makes it Rossco.



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i lost a 9cm calvus on the weekend.  he decided he could easily swallow a 4cm kingsizei that was in the tank with him.  he learnt to his dismay that he was wrong.  found him and his new found friend on the bottom of the tank saturday morning sad.gif.  stupid fish!

Sorry to here that Gav you got watch these fish they are all little loopy. A similar thing happened to another Canberran but his ate a 3cm BN it died but the BN swam away they are tough little buggers those BN.

Aline all I can say is OUCH that has got to hurt.

Just a little bit of an update my little guy is just holding on I did a water change and has perked up a little he is now upright and floating around so touch wood he might make it.



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