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Today in the Fish Room ~ 04/14/05


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Here she is without her makeup. This is the same fish that's on the front page of my website. Not bad for fourteen years old. SHe has cataracts and has to be hand fed. Her fins have some tears and a few scars. But note that her egg chute is still extended...still ready for action.

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As i said in the post on your site, It is a credit to you that you have kept such a wonderful fish alive for so long, And keep doin what you do Mo coz its a pleasure to be able to view your fish mate. Benno

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I bet it'll be a sad day when she's gone :( how long do you think she has left? I thought 15yrs was the upper limit?

(edited for insorretc speeling)

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Thats awesome Mojo, she's still a beauty in her old age. Did you ever get some bubs from her?, i but you'd love to keep her bloodline going.

Anthony 8:

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