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what water ph should fronies and alto have


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what should the water ph be in my frony tank and altos tank and can i keep these fish together in the same tank(their in different tanks at the moment)

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Both should be keep in a pH range of 8.6 - 9.1. I have seen A. compressiceps and A. calvus keep in a tank with Frontosa but they were large specimens. What species and what size Altos were you gong to put in with the Frontosa and probably equally important what size tank will they be in?


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ive got 6 altolamprologus compressiceps (kigoma) 4 to 5cm, 8 altolamprologus calvus black 5 to 6cm and 11 altolamprologus gold compressiceps 6 to 8cm their in a 3x2x2.i also hav 20 6bar fronies between 5 and 7cm in a 4x20x20.i want to move them into my 6x2x2 when i get it on the weekend.

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As a general rule, if the smaller fish can fit into the bigger fishes mouth, there is a good chance thats exactly what will happen. However your fronts seem the same size as your altos, so I wouldnt think there is much chance of the altos ending up a fronty fodder. And in my experience frontys are puppy dogs anyway, especially when theyre little.

As for having all those alto's together, I'm no tang expert by any stretch of the imagination, but arent you running a risk of cross breeding? Maybe they arent breeding size yet, I dont know. Im the first one to admit my knowledge of tangs isnt that great.

Anyone feel free to correct/enlighten me. Im always willing to be told Im wrong if it means I learn something new smile.gif

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their not breeding size yet,they need about a year to start breeding, but you can pick out which ones are male and which are females in the golds.as soon as their ready to breed i might only keep a trio of each kind in their own tank and sell their other ones.

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