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First in-tank death


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Up until now I have been pretty lucky, I'd only lost one cichlid and that was when a small brichardi jumped out of the tank and dried up. However tonight, I was checking on my tank when I noticed the smallest Auloncara stuartgranti 'chilumba' wrapped aroung my HOB filter intake. The poor thing was well and truly dead, it'd been there for a couple of hours I think. It didnt appear to have any major damage to the body and the water conditions are fine, so all I can do is assume it died as a result of being glued to the intake.

This has never happened before. Ive never lost a fish due to illness, fighting, water conditions .. anything.

I knew it'd happen eventually, it is just a shame thats all.

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Yep same here mate, I got AC500 with sponge covering the intake to stop sand and food get sucked in and this syno multi found a gap between the sponge and intake pipe and hid in there and couldnt get out, found it yesterday when I was cleaning the sponge I found bits of meat left and its been there for almost 2 weeks Im guessing cos Ive been wondering where the other multi was, and thats like 30 bucks turned into bits of meat sad.gif

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