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Hiding electric blue


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I have recently (less than 2 months) started keeping african cichlids and am worried about a couple of them.

An electric blue (just starting to show his colour) he has for the last week or so hidden away and doesn't come out for feeding. I only know he is there because I moved some rocks a few days ago to make sure he was not dead or injured - after I had not seen him for a few days. So I know he is there but he never comes out! (can se him sometimes if I look carefully).

I also have a juvenile Peacock that has not eaten for 3 days and has now "gone missing" as well.

What could this be?

I have checked my water chemistry and it all seems OK - temp 26, pH 7.8, hardness about 6, nitrates and ammonia OK.

The fish in my tank are all young and I don't think the tank is overcrowded. There are plenty of rocks and caves with heaps of hiding places..and I have a bubbler that runs when the lights are on.

I don't have any cats yet so algae is thriving.

What can I do to work out what is wrong or should I just leave these fish alone?

I may have fed them too much lately but most of the other fish all seem Ok. I was thinking - could they have bloat? If so what should I do.

Thanks for your help

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