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OT - New internet connection


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I just got my new internet connection going from iiNET on their new Dslam account which is an uncapped connection. I must live close to the exchange because the open speed is 800k sec and I'm getting 765k per second. I've just checked on the heaviest thread on the Perth forum which was a photo competition... and also checked my photobucket account and it would appear that there is no loading time thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

I thought this day would never come smile.gif


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Using dial up will cost you just as much or even more then getting boardband

cost of those connection you have to do everyday wink.gif

they all add up in the end

for $50 a month you get fast internet, faster download, bla bla bla........

im no ISP, so please leave me alone

its just my 2 cents worth

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ahhh broadband. i remember the days when I was young and had that. when it first got connected back in 1999 to optus cable, man it was awesome. 600+ kbps, instant loading of pages. then everyone started to use it. now its lucky to get over 300kbps. that was at my parents, so i got to enjoy it in the early days, now I have my own place and only have access to satellite for broadband. so dialup it is for me. it sucks going from broadband to dialup


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well im on 1500 and loving it , not a bad price aswell for what ive got $55 a month and 12 gig downloads , plus some extra's well worth the upgrade i think

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Chuck its not 'uncapped' as such. You still have a limit. Your connection will get shaped once you reach your bandwidth quota and your connection speed will be reduced dramatically smile.gif

I'd be on the iinet plans if they still allowed free WAIX access.. WAIX is still free but counts towards your monthly quota sad.gif

Hopefully telstra gets the hint and removes the restrictions on its infrastructure so the other isps can start offering faster speeds as well. IInet have hit the nail on the head this time, they must be killing the other ISPs hahah

Either way, im still jealous of your 800kb/s transfer speed thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Well I've had a bit more time to play around now that I've settled a little wink.gif Local servers are downloading at about 700-750k per second. I downloaded a game demo off iiNET's server which was 25meg. Firefox starts to download files even as your picking a directory to save it in, and by the time I picked my download directory and pushed OK the file was half downloaded. About another 20 sec's and the whole file was done smile.gif

I've tried a couple of overseas servers and one went as low as 250k per second sad.giflaugh.gif

I think there will be a variation on things like server equipment etc for different sites but all in all its still damn quick. I went from Telstra's 25k adsl to dial up for 10-15 days while waiting for this, to the speed I'm on now, so the speed is awesome coming of dialup.

Mr Orange - I actually said that the line was uncapped. When signing, they will only tell you that the minimum speed you will get is 150k up to 800k depending on your location to the exchange. With shaping, I've got 10/10 gig before this applies but for another 10bucks I can get 20/20 gig. Also uploading does not enter any equasions which is nice, though I dont upload much. Uploads are up at 100k sec though I haven't tryed anything yet.

The other thing I noticed coming off telstra to iiNET is Service. I'm actually getting some LOL.gif



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