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hey all i was looking after some tropheus for a mate and they were all eating fine untill 1 day i went to the tank and found 1 wouldnt eat and over a couple of days it went skinny and died so i treated the tank for stomach problems and that didnt help they slowly died 1 by 1 until 5 had died then it stopped for about a week then started again

can anyone tell me why??

*edited spelling*

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ohmy.gif oh no.

bit more info would be nice thumb.gif

What are you feeding them ?


How long since a water change ?

Tankmates,if any?

It would almost certainly be bloat !

The answers to the above questions could explain the reason !


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ok the filtration is definately not the problem the tank was only them the food was sera flora he didnt leave any medication because i picked them up for him as fry and was looking after them untill he got back from holidays to pick them up and it cant be bloat as the fish got skinny not fat ive seen bloat and the fish dont get skinny and fade away so i dont mean to be rude but could people read posts before they reply


also there is 2 left out of 9

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Hi Bucky,

What a tragic chain of events sad.gif I have kept a few variants these past few years and love them dearly so hearing this is upsetting.

You are probably aware that tropheus are considered as fish for advanced aquarists but sometimes it is also just luck of the draw as to how successful you are with them. It also depends on the variant - what genus are they?

You mention that you picked them up as fry - was this a recent event? They may have an existing parasitic disease which they brought with them on purchase, that has progressively worsened. Are your water parameters appropriate for these tangs? Filtration adequate?? etc.

From what you describe however, I believe they are doing what Tropheus are very good at, and that is singling out one colony member and making certain that they are harassed enough not to be able to obtain any food and eventually the desired outcome occurs wink.gif . They then start in on the next.

You are not being rude but a little more info would speed the process up for you smile.gif .

Let us know.



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Hey there, sorry to hear of the loss. Can't offer any advice as I've never kept tropheus (yet) but I'm sure you'd be pretty dissapointed you've lost your mates fish cryblow.gif



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ok i have kept tropheus before without a problem and they were moorii moliro the same as i kept and were actually going to join my old colony and from what i saw there was never any aggresion also the filtration was 2 internal otto filters @ 800 litres per hour in a 4 foot tank

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Sorry about the unfortunate loss! I hope your friend doesn't kill u!

Actually Tropheus "bloat" is not an accurate term to describe this disease Tropheus r prone to. They don't always become bloated. In fact it is more common for them to just sit on the bottom of the tank, not interested in food, looking wasted and skinny and pass cotton-like faeces. Did any of these symptoms occur prior to them dying?

I would recommend u treat the entire tank with metronidazole at the first sign of any loss of interest in food. In my experience, it is too late if they have become "bloated"!


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none of that happened apart from not eating they still swam around fine and normal just when it was feeding time they swam up to the food and then sort of done a fakie and dodged it it was almost funny to watch apart from the fact they were dying

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