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hey all im after some nice looking dwarfs to breed in either a 2 ft or 18inch tank, i breed a lot of africans but have never had americans or dwarfs at all, apart from some occelatus once

thanks any info would be greatly appreciated


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Good dwarfs for dwarf newbies:

Anomalochromis thomasi

Pelvicachromis subocellatus, taeniatus, sacrimontis (sp?), pulcher

Nanacara anomala

Papiliochromis (Microgeophagus) altispinosa

All species of Laetacara

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I agree with Dave's species list for beginning with dwarf cichlids. When I started with cichlids I started off with dwarf South American. Being keen I started with Apistogramma species and also Microgeophagus ramirezi (Blue and Gold). I found them tempremental to changes in water condition. I had some success with them with perserverance but not as much success as I have had with Pelvicachromis species and Nanacara anomala


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