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Got to check this fella out...


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laugh.gif If you send me a PM you may ask haha bigsmile.gif

And here is the world fastest made egg tumbler, fly wire from the back door, and old UG uplift held to the tank by airline LOL.gif i still on the Nature side of the nature vs nurture argument so i dont usualy tumble anything but i couldnt waste these guys and it was the first spawn. The female spat about 20 mins after spawning cause i think i spooked her and the male was after the eggs so i had about 30 sec to make it lol thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Best part was it worked woot.gif ....Say hello to my little freinds....

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1-2 grew through the wire but considering ive never tumbled anything before(and dont want to again) it was a good save on a batch of eggs i really wanted! wink.gif

Cheers Andy

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u really got good taste i can see

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Great looking fish mate. thumb.gif

I recently scored an Lwanda male also. Mine's about 15cm+ and looks unreal in my display tank. I'll post a pic of mine one day.

I'm also impressed with your location classification. I don't know where the strain of mine comes from, but I don't intend to breed with him so not really worried.

Lwanda's are a fantastic looking peacock. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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