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Sexing Angels


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Sexing angels is a hard proposition. People talk about the males being larger, having longer fins and the angle of the anal fin being different. I think the only sure way is to let them sort it out for themselves.


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If they are sexually mature i found by missing a feed for a day and look straight at the head the females will usually still show a bulge when full of eggs, where as the male obviously wouldnt.

However its not fool proof as sometimes when ive done it the females didnt have eggs.

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Throughout my few years of breeding angels, I find that the males have a very distinctive crown on their forehead. All my males have this bump and during breeding time, have a look at their tubes. Males have a very sharp and long instrument, while the females are quite short and stumpy. You will see the females having large bellies - full of eggs.

but this is not always a 100% accurate method. best way , as said is to let them sort it out.

how many do you have? and at what size? any chance of pictures?

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