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Whiptail Fry! Woohooo!


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This morning, I was lucky to experience watching the birth of about 40 whiptail eggs hatch into little fry! seeing them break out of the egg is truly amazing. Once they break out, they lie motionless on the ground upside down breathing hard. It must be tough breaking out of the egg. After a few minutes, they regain their "breath" and are soon sucking on the walls of the tank.

I just hope they will survive this time, as I've had a couple of unsuccessful spawns.

I left a bottle of tank water sitting in the sun for about 3-4 days prior to the hatch, and now the bottle is full of newly grown algae, perfect for the bubs to graze on. laugh.gif

I will place a small square of sushi nori seaweed once their egg sacs are depleted.

Any feeding advice would be very helpful smile.gif

Aren't they adorable? they look like miniatures of their parents! wub.gif

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