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ATT: Red devil club


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The good thing about this article is that it is written by someone who is not only an experienced hobbiest but also has a post honers degree (Phd), which makes the validity of the article extremely high.

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i checked dozer and his wifes lips and compared them with the diagram, suprise suprise they appear to be a cross between the two ,nothing we didnt all suspect ,however the author himself reckons only wild caught adults are identifiable so theres probably no deliberate deception in the breeding, i wonder if our rd's carry the genes of those first imports -$500 for a red devil!!! ohmy.gif

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yea my young fella has got a rounded mouth much the same as the Amphilophus citrinellus diagram, however has the labatus red colour morph he talks about. But i think there is a red morph of the Citrinellus as well dntknw.gif.

Anthony cool.gif

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