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Substrate and Rocks


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Hey all,

I need to buy crushed coral etc for my substrate and rocks for formations. I have spent the weekend looking at some of the local LFS around and have yet to find any suppliers. Most have standard pebbles etc.

The tank is going to be setup for Malawi Mbuna's

Any one able to assist.



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Hi Tim, What size crushed coral sand were you after? If you are chasing the very fine stuff then Good luck finding any at reasonable prices. What LFS have you been to?? as there are plenty over your direction that have a varied range of rocks for sale.



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You can get some cheaper alternatives to crushed coral from garden/landscape suppliers like limestone sand and crushed marble - they both contain calcium carbonate which is the ingredient in crushed coral which does most of the buffering. Another great alternative is shell grit mixed in with you gravel and sand which is also composed of mainly calcium carbonate. Another thing to remember is that the more water you have flowing through or over your substrate the better its buffering capacity will be - for this reason some people like to put some of the substrate in their canister filters where water is constantly flowing.

Hope this helps!

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