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2ft Plant Tanks


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My 2ft plant that started off slowly. With no gravel and only female guppies, but now after about a year...its got gravel, lots of plants and teaming with life. I think its heavily overstocked, once they grow up nicely...most of the fish will be given away and left with a few nice pairs of guppies.

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Onced my guppies started to pump out fry every month, i noticed I needed another tank. With the help of my mate on another forum, he kindly donated a spare 2ft for the 2ft fry tank I have now. So I thank him gratefully. Once starting to purchase plants for the tank...i decided to purchase only anubias species.

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I think I've got three types of anubias in the 2ft fry tank...still trying to collect more types.

Anyways, Hope you like em.


Mango thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Hey dude

Nice Pics of your planted tank you got there.

maybe one day ill come over and have a look at your tanks seeing as i live close bigsmile.gifbigsmile.gif

Are you planning on putting some otehr fish in there? like corys etc?

Cheers Daniel

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I have Corys, BN, Guppies and a SAE in the 2ft Plant. Also the fry tank has a common pleco and guppy fry.

Im thinking a few bns in the 2ft fry tank and leave it at that. Its going to be turned into a fry tank with catfish in em since there are plenty of algae and plants and driftwood for them to play on.

I guess you can come around one day. Just PM me and we will see.

Mango thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Nope, the heater and filter I got from the same store I got the Anubias nana petite...@ H2O Aquarium in Homebush West in Sydney. They are located on Henley Rd in Homebush West. I was lucky to pick up the Anubias nana petite...once it came into the store...i picked it up. They priced it for $20, but was able to get it for $15.

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