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My fish tanks


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Thought i might show my fish tanks off, they aren't spectacular but they are slowly improving. Had to battle various algae problems.

Anyway i have 2 4foot 18 x 18.

One is a planted tank setup about 2 months ago, and the other is just a bare bottom tank which i'm not sure what to put in there yet.

See for your self and tell me what you know.

BTW, my planted tank looks like its fishless but it actually contains.

5 X cardinal tetras

5 X gold rams

5 X peppermints

5 X cory sterabais.

(don't know why i have 5 of them all it wasn't intended, but just the way its worked... i bought 10 cardinals 5 got sucked into my filter 1 ram died... and yeh the rest i bought as 5 lots)


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she? is about 9cms now head to tail. My biggest one is 10cms pretty even growth between the 5.

Note, the picture is from a couple of weeks back when my tank had white gravel... did you notice the white gravel and different plants?

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