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Best fertilizer for Java fern


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Hey guys I am considering purchasing some fertilizer to really kick start some small java fern plantlets into next week any suggestions on what to use. What product gives the best results in quality leaves and growth in plants? any suggestions.

Thanks in advance

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I dont have much experience with java fern, but u can use pretty much any liquid fertiliser them.

I use seachem flourish, flourish iron and flourish potassium but if I were you Id try JBL ferropol or maybe even the aquasonic daily gro, Ive never tried these but Im sure they'd be okay and JBL is german brand and makes lots of stuff incl co2 systems so it should be good.

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I use Aquarium Science 'Plant Food', it's made in Australia (QLD).

My java fern and anubias seem to grow very well.

All my tanks get aside from that is water changes and fish food.

edit: bad spelling

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  • 1 month later...

I bought Seachem "Flourish" the guy at the LFS (one of the sponsors) said its a good product but still the plants (Java Fern & Blue Stricta) dont seem to take the nourishment aboard blink.gif . The plants still seem to be struggling dry.gif . And i have noticed more hairy algae growing on decor and on the plants themselves now?? mad.gif I have used the fertiliser to the directions. What can i do the plants get atleast minimum 10 hours of light a day. What do you think is going on?

Also I am keen on buying some anubias plants what do you suggest is the best anubias to get as I know there is a few to choose from. whats the most hardiest and grows strong without much assistance if you know what i mean.

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I'd seriously consider home-made C02 and aiming for about 3-4watts of light per gallon. Plants like stricta really do need a lot of light.

I would also recommend picking up an iron supplement if you can spare the cash.

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