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Where are the American lovers?


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Im a sucker for both african and americans! Ive only got Cichla Monoculas at the momment but il get myself another pair of oscars again further down the track hopefully. I got bored of the SA`s cause i found all i needed to do to breed them was have a male and a female in a big enough tank with occasional water changes and they would spawn! just no challenge to it. I like the cichla but i would only ever really keep 1-2 diffrent american speices these days.Just dont have the space and cant be bothered with the aggression. thumb.gif Cheers andy

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I'm new to Americans. Just got myself a red devil but yea, would like more chit chat about them. I know stuff all about them and would like to learn from other peoples experiences.

Anthony cool.gif

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Where are they all?? seems like all the talk is about Africans huh?

It's been like this for a while. Altough thanks to a certain dude (thanks for the festae clap.gif) at the NSW cichlid soc who is really gunning for the re-popularisation of this fantastic under rated cichlid group I think awareness is increasing. Originally I was originally into Africans, but not anymore. Im not aware of any Africans i really would like now. In fact I will be selling out my Africans to make way for more Americans. I feel that Americans have more personality. I know my Green terror recognises me now. Not scared of me at all, i can hand feed him too. These days I would rather have a few big fish in a tank as opposed to more smaller fish.

Currently keep Green Terror,Cichla mono,Festae. would love a dovi or umbee. Go the Americans! thumb.gif

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Well i am back and back for good coz i got adsl now whooooo hooooooo so i guess ill be seeing you guys alot more in the forums now. Go the Americans all ive ever kept and probably all ill keep. peace Benno

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I have this massive interest in Eartheaters such a graceful elegant fish with plenty of character my goal is to attain as many different varities of eartheaters as I can possibly keep. I only have Redhumps & Altifrons thus far but am always on the lookout for eartheater breeders etc...

I also keep severum and oscar I used to have blue acaras as well... As you may have noticed I am a huge south american fan.

Africans just dont cut it for me

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Im interested to know what Lilith are? Ive never heard of them.

I used to keep lots of americans like severums,oscars,red devil,earth eaters etc but I had trouble decorating the tank so Ill probably be keeping the dwarf varieties now.

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Americans lovers sign in!!

I currently keep...

RD, JD, Texas, Jag, Blue Acara, Blackbelt, Synspilum, Convicts, Salvini & Severums.

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I have 2 breeding pairs of Lilith and someone else has another pair that havent bred yet, the juvies are about 5cm(take ages to grow) not sure what I want for them because i sold a lot of them to a guy that paid $90 for them and they were a little smaller than what they are now

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Hmmm interesting proposition, i will see, dont know if I will be going out west for the auction but will see , they are onlt 1 1/2 cm at this stage so im not sure they will be sold in time for the auctions, the juvies are not for sale just yet as I want to grow them up a little bit more, but will keep you posted

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