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Yea it would mate, if ya feed them enough of course. Flake is still very nutricious, my tangs get flake daily as well as pellets and frozen brineshrimp.

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I imagine fish would still get a belly full of flake champ but as I'm sure you already know, variety is the key. At the shop I usually recommend to people that for most africans, a good flake and a good pellet should be the staple parts of their fish diet. Other things such as brine shrimp, black worm, blood worm, vegies etc. can be added or avoided according to the species. There are however exceptions and if you're adament about providing the optimum diet for your fish then it is simply a matter of doing your research and finding what foods would best suit what fish youre planning to keep.

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Flakes are probably the best food that you can give to mbunas. Your fishes would get a full stomach if you feed them the right quantity. Pellets will fill the stomach of your fishes much faster, but they can get bloated from pellets even if you give them spirulina pellets. Pellets are much harder to digest especially, because they have a bonding agent.

In the wild most mbunas graze on algaes and eat smaller quantities.

I would recommend pellets to peacocks or other open water fishes that are not vegetarians, but you can still feed them flakes.


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Yep all I feed my mbuna is sera flora flake, and hikari algae wafers.

In the same tanks i feed my multipunctatus carnivore pellets which mbuna go crazy for, they occasionally get them and that doesnt seem to hurt them too much.

Just get a good quality flake and you cant go wrong.

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