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Alagae grazing?

the cichlid kid

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I pulled this from a old post about keeping tang goby cichlids and was wondering if it could be employed with b/nose and if it would be beneficial to them?

"I read somewhere that you should get nice flat river stones or slate and place outside in water to grow a layer of algae over it and switch the slate daily into the tank, placing the slate/river stone that has been in the aquarium back into the bucket outside to grow more alfae on. So the gobies can graze on the algae constantly."


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I don't know about going to that trouble for adult B/N,,,,the blighters can mow down acres of algae in a few hours.

But for fry, B/N and particularly whips, I use 2 x 4 inch wide strips of glass glued to form a "T". These are kept in shallow tubs of nutrient rich water in good light and only take 3 or 4 days to get a good coating of new algae. This gives the new fry a real kick along till they get onto other prepared foods.


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