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What do you feed your synodontis Decorus


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well i just recently attained two massive decorus, one about 30 the other 35cm, they havnt started eating yet, they dont seem to like the sinking pellets, they just spit them out. Just wondering what you guys.gals feed your decorus.


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I have had a number of large S. decorus. I started trying to feed them quite a large pellet 10-12mm in Diameter. I found that they would not eat it. They are a big fish but do not have big mouths. I found the best thing to feed S. decorus about that size is a 2mm pellet. I use high protien barra sinking pellets.

I've tried them on small pieces of prawn with limited success as well.

Hope that helps.


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I have a large male ( about 25cm ), and I agree with Adam, my bloke dosen't like big pellets either. I now feed him Sera San Granumeat, he loves the stuff. He also devours the bloodworms that manage to get past the Ghost Knife to the bottom of the tank.


P.S. Are your fish a pair ? I reckon they're a stunning fish.

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