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2 Q's Electric Yellows


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Hey all!

Q1 Ok, Free breeding Electric Yellows up for grabs... I will have a 2ft fully cycled tank with FLuval 3 PLUS in it there are 2 Electric Yellows around 10cm would they be OK in the 2ft tank for just over a month??

This tank has 2 BN around 4cm (tail included)

The tank has large gravel... Has ornaments now but will be removed.. no plants etc...

Will this be ok for 2 Electric Yellows..?

Q2 Same thing Electric Yellows 10cm up for grabs these arn't breeding yet but great quality (im hoping they haven't bred cause they are females) laugh.gif

Fully cycled 2ft tank, corner filter, large gravel and plants (will remove)..

This tank has 5 BN average size of 6cm in it though.... (Tail included)

If I ajust PH and add you the correct things will they survive in those tanks for over a month??

Thanks in advance,


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Hi mate,

Yeh i would say it's ok. But have a few caves.

Electric yellows are hardy so i would give it a go.

The one with 5 BN may be pushing it.

If you can put all the BN in one tank. With plenty of hiding spots.

If you just have the Electric yellows that wont be a prob.



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If you can put all the BN in one tank. With plenty of hiding spots.

If you just have the Electric yellows that wont be a prob.

So 4 10 cm Electric Yellows in a 2ft.. wouldn't that be really overstocked though.. even with the Fluval 3 PLUS

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Up 4 grabs, u want to get rid o them ???

Depending on what ph the tank is running at?

The yellows and BN should have no problems together. No matter what the size of the fish are. You will find that they have no interest in each other.


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Up 4 grabs, u want to get rid o them ???


I wasn't worried they would be compatible with eachother its just I thought that would be alot of fish for a small tank even if it for a month or so...


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Ok looks like I ended up with males... and I just got given 2 tonight so I have a total of 6..

The 4 I have from one tank are around 10cm and the 2 I just got given are about 8cm and 6cm (guess)

I have a dominate male in each tank and the not so dominate is being attacked (bites taken out of tail etc) And I don't know what to do..

THe smaller ones that I just put into the tank (in bag) the dominate in the tank is attacking the larger one in the bag which I think is male...

Both tanks attacked the Electrics in the bag.. I NEED HELP mad.gif

I think the smallest one is a female too...


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Hungsta's suggestion regarding the removal of the decor (ie rocks) from the tanks is a good one but I would just rearrange the decor in the tank. The changing of the decor allows all fish, including new additions, to start on a more even footing when searching for a new territory within the tank. If there is nothing to break up the territory now adding some may help the situation further.


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I have only got a rock and a peice of wood in there they don't seem to fight as much now.... If they start fighting I'll move it around but they don't seem to have territories..

lol Mick by the time I got home the bag with the hole had like no air tongue.gif That dominate male is a real beauty best quality I have ever seen smile.gif

(for every1 else) I'll post some pics when I get some decient ones.. the camera I have takes like 5 seconds to work so its not easy and they never stay still! sadsmiley02.gif


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