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Updated Fish Pictures.


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Time to Update my pictures. Lol.


My Big Male Astatotilapia burtoni

Currently have 2 Girls with mouthfuls

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Not the greatest of shots, but he is very camera shy.

Also, these were taken him on the night he was introduced, and he has much more colour now. One hell of a beautiful fish.


One of my Angels from my 3ft Planted tank

Unsure of what type, lol. I have 2 of them, Very long finnage

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I was disappointed that the lens was dirty sad.gif Couldn't tell on the little LCD screen... 1 tip i'll have to remember for next time, clean lens first. laugh.gif


My other long finned Angel. smile.gif

Didn't want to show it's true colours sad.gif

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The biggest Angel with short tail

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Midget! This one is named Midget, because it is a runt, has never grown big

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Over the next few days, and the weekend, I will try and get photos of all my fish individually. Though i have a feeling most will not like this idea, lol. But i'll see how i go.

Also, if anyone ever wants to use one of my pictures... Go ahead. smile.gif Just make sure to mention me though. Lol. Though i know this is unlikely to happen. tongue.gif But none the less, thought i better let people know.


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