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Cover photo?


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Hi Guys & Gals -

I'm finishing compiling the magazine for the NSWCS and I'm a more than a few pages short articlewise. If you have anything you'd like to see published - post it here or email me (webmaster AT sydneycichlid DOT com) or use the button below.

I'm also seeking cover, centre and rear photos! (post them here or email also)

If your photo gets used and you're not a member you get a free copy of this magazine. Same will apply to anyone who posts me an article for use.

I'm in a massive rush - and need them more or less yesterday - so would appreciate any help from the kind souls here at ACE!

Thanks in advance!!

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Hi Dave

If any of the pictures you took turned out to your liking, please go ahead and use them. thumb.gif

I haven't seen them yet ! hint hint. LOL.gif


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