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We bought a group of these as 'johannii' when they were juviniles. Now the males are starting to colour up and we think they may be a cross. Some of them are showing verticle barring. The two in the pictures are from the same group and looked the same before colouring up.

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Do you think these may be hybrid?

Thanks, Shane & Shell

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Hi Shane,

When I had my johannii, it was like saulosi.

Only difference was (little bit of) darker color than saulosi.

It was like your first picture. Then it started to show the color.

Like danpri said, you may sit back & watch for weeks.



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If all the fish you purchased where in the same group either they are hybrids or the tank had mixed fish in there IMO

top 2 look more like zebras of some sort

bottom pic possibly johanni male needs more color though to be sure

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im guessing thats a sub dominant male which can start to colour differently to dominant males,therefor the vertical barring shows up before the rest of him..chances are he will get to almost full colour even in the most crowded of tanks,just takes longer for certain fish.

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Just to point ya to this thread: http://ace.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=13145 . Johanni and interruptus get mixed up very easily. The male interuptus start to colour up very early and yes they do start to colour up firstly with verticle bars then gradually get a couple of horizontal bars. Having said this your's are either not very good quality fish or they are Interruptus x johanni hybrids which is also very common (unfortunately). The bottom fish looks similar to interruptus but yes the top one looks like some sort of zebra as Mark said and that purple one could be anything.....lol. Were they all supposed to be siblings?

Anthony cool.gif

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Thanks guys for the replies.

Just to clarify, the fish in the background of the top picture is a cobalt, as for the others, they are sibblings. Better safe than sorry I think these guys might make good feeder fish wink.gif .

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