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Aulonocara Kandeense


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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to post a pic of my Blue Orchid Peacocks I got off Andrew of Blackwater. Got seven healthy juveniles off him in Septemeber to breed in a 3FT. The fish are going really well with a dominant male starting to colour already. They're about 2-3" thus far.

user posted image

Isn't it great when you nuture the little suckers, and they slowly start to flourish. Can't wait till the other two males mature and I can keep one for a stud, one for my display tank (and one for a mate).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The dominant little fella is looking very good there GTR. I love the look of these guys (aquired taste i think). Keep snapping pics id like to know the progress of how your guys and gals are doing thumb.gif.

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Yep, I love 'em too. wub.gif

I now have two coloured up males and have seperated one into a 2FT with a mirror backing (may have seen my post in the General Discussion boards).

When they get a bit bigger I will takes some more snaps.

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