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Red Rubin


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I recently purchased some red rubins. The largest ~4cm is starting to colour up nicely however, apart from the blue areas, elsewhere is going yellow rather than orange/red. Is this normal? Do they go yellow before turning orange/red or might I possibly have a hybrid?

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Maybe we should call them "nearly" red rubins!!! LOL.gif

Can anybody post some pics of their fish?

Are there any peacocks that do show more RED red? How about eureka. Do we have good stock in Sydney? Or even red empress (yes I know they are Proteomelas not Aulonocara) - there is also quite a range of variation with these too.

Maybe we should start a campaign to breed some better quality (stronger red) rubins. Is this possible? Has it been done for any other species in Sydney? thumb.gif

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In my experience the "red" seen in "red rubins" is no more "red" than the "red" in "eureka reds". Ok so I went a little overboard with the "red's" but still .... you get the picture. From what I've seen there is a stronger red to be found in sydney red empress stock than peacock stock. As for why we as hobbyists havent just decided to develop our own colour morph or attempt to selectively breed bright red peacocks is that it takes a lot of time, effot, money and different blood lines. From my understanding it is a process that requires careful attention and generations of fish to perfect.

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Even better than pics of fish from the USA.

Andy, can you reveal the name of the farm? If ever any fry from this boy come up to Sydney I'll personally greet them at the airport and take them sightseeing!

Huba Huba Huba wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

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Boo Hoo Hoo cry2.gifcry2.gifcry2.gif You are a cruel, cruel man Andy. We are destined to wander the wilderness in search of such beauty 'till the end of our days! tongue.gif

I bet his kids get sent to rich overseas buyers and all we can get are yellow/orange locals. So how much? Everything has its price and I've only got one mortgage on my house.

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