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L114 growth rates


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There getting one or two feeds a night of carnivore pellets one fish per tank .There so photophobic it's hard to get the food into them as much as i'd usually like.Tempreture has being lower than ideal over winter 22 to 23 which isn't going to help.

Regards Chris

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dont expect too much activity from them as they tend to hide most of the time , but dont worry toomuch as they will head out for food, just mostly when your not around?when i first had mine i had the same prob?depends on your set-up aswell?

what other fish have you got in the tank? you say your temp was low over winter?you shouldve had a heater.is the fish still around? hows it doing now?

try some bloodworm,chopped prawns,and try even some spirulina tabs that have fish meal in the blend?

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