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Sexing Tropheus

Fat Puppy

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Giday All,

I am new to Tropheus and have 2 colonies, which I am trying to get more fish for but they are just sooo expensive.. Anyways I have Rutunga Brabant "Firecracker", and the Kasanga Red Rainbows but I am having a hell job of identifing the males and females. I really want to make sure the male to female ratio is not to lop-sided.

I don't want to vent them as I am far to new to this and they be too expensive to muck with.. Any assistance MUCH appreciated,



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Hi Mike,

i am not expert but the most reliable way to tell the sex of your precious Tropheus is to vent them. U will obviously need to know what u r looking at. They both have two holes, the female has one that is larger.

What size r your Trophs? It is very difficult to tell sex when they r juveniles. There r subtle but unreliable difference in males when they get more mature. When they get to breeding size ~2.5inches, u will obviously know the sex by watching their breeding behaviour. However, i know u want to find out before then!



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It is my opinion that sex-ratio is not so important as numbers. I have a large group of 40(or so) duboisi and it seems to be the same 6-7 females that do the breeding.

Rather than being overly worried about the numbers of males to females, you could limit the number of spawning-caves and increase the overall numbers of the group...this has worked well in my 2 colony's of T's.


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Vent sexing is the way to go with Tropheus although some species can be sexed through their colour formation once fully grown.

Don't worry too much at this stage - if you plan to breed them take heart my KII's are in a tank of 8 males to 4 females and are breeding well smile.gif .

Be careful though with your colonies, not all species can tolerate an imbalance of male to female ratio - for example T. annectens and T. Brichardi do well when there is only one male in the tank.

In larger colonies such as the last post it is definately the survival of the fittest which is why the breeding is limited to the same females each time smile.gif .



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