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Biochem Zorb


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If you want a crystal clear tank i recommend this stuff, it also seems to calm stressed fish and stabalise a new tank. It is relativly expencive but is worth the buy, one pouch treats 208 L but i have seen it used with half that dosage for some period of time without a problem. One draw back is that i don't think it can be recharged. The results are amazing, i have seen this stuff clear up merky shop tanks in minutes and seems to stableise the tank which aids: filtration, ammonia being removed faster, removing toxic materials from you aquarium. It is an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals product that retails for about $25-30 and lasts up to 6 months depending.

Just a quick product review thumb.gif

Anthony cool.gif

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Hi Guys -

A word of caution - most of the time, IMHO anyway, these products are unnecesary. They work a treat (when you need them to ie: to remove tannins/medications etc)... but I cant see why you would use them otherwise. You can get crystal clear water after all with just a corner filter wink.gif.

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I agree with you Yew, would be an unneccesary expense to buy every 6 months. Oh yea thanks for reminding me bubbles, your right it works wonders for removing tannins from water.

Anthony thumb.gif

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