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can male peps have no bristles?


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ummm well I'd say it is quite likely.

Peppermints seem to have a quite strong hierarchy amongst the males.

You will usually get an alpha male develop quite early on and the other males will remain whiskerless.

I've had fish remain whiskerless at sizes up to 12-13cm and then sprout an impressive set almost overnight.

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I would not say yes or no on that point !

Personaly I had a group of eight two year old pepps that I thought were all females. So I went out and got an old proven male (stuff the expense). Within weeks, half of my 2 year old females all had bristles.

On the other hand I have had male pepps grow bristles at 7 months old. ????

They have got me beat,,,,,,I don't know

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lol stupid peps! smile.gif

one thing that is true is these were with other catfish namely orange spot and they had alpha males. so maybe one of them is a male.

the most weird thing about it all is that they look very different. Like one is heap heap heap black with white speckles while the other is more lighter/grey and with white speckles..

their underside also has this feature where the black ones are all black and all but the lighter ones was more like creamy white and it was heaps of jelly like smile.gif

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Perhaps the colour differences are due to social heirarchy. I know my peps change their base coulor from jet black to grey (almost milky) depending on how they are feeling. Your black ones may be the dominant ones and they are causing the others to display submissive or stress colouration. I would say that over the long term this would explain the lack of ristles on any subdominat males (particularly if you have a particularly agressive alpha female at the top of the pack). Perhaps, try splitting them up if you have room and see if any develop bristles.

good luck


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small thing i notice is that it has two big whiskers at the front of its lips. Does this indicate anything? (well its not huge but if you check the picture of the perthcichlid forum its slightly bigger)

also its actually made the breeding cave its home and it sits out side the cave lightly fanning with the bottom fins.

I know boys do this alot but do girls do this aswell?

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this is stupid peppermints are like Saulosi they change sex! (well mask it pretty good!)

It looks like I do have a male. Uppon close inspection this boy/girl has grown its bristles its noticeably bigger then what it was before plus its growing bristle ontop of a bristle! that must be a boy smile.gif

i'll write further progress report soon.. hope to solve this mystery of the peppermints smile.gif

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