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Finally my BN have breed


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Hi all,

Almost every can breed them (and probably has) except for me. But I have been setting up my fish room today (filling tanks etc) and I decided to clean up the cabinet under one of my 4' display tanks. In that process I decided to try and get my male BN out of his hidey hole (an ornamental easter island statue LOL.gif ) as he looked pretty dead so I wanted to make sure that was wasn't. I shook it and out shot a baby BN clap.gif . I had given up hope as he is a big old man (12cm +) and the young girl has been in the for about 18 months with no action.

So what do I do now. I have herded thelittle baby back intothe statue and removed the statue into a fry saver and I have thrown in a bit of powered food and I am about to chuck in some nucked zucci. Does that sound fair until I can cycle my tanks?



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Never bred bn before, but i think you are supposed to keep the babies with the parent for a few eeeks, so that they can transfer bacteria to the babies, so their digestive systems work properly.

Maybe put mum and dad in with them for a few weekss unsure.gif

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thanks for replies guys the easter island statue does look a bit fiunny in the fry saver but noone has come out includgin dad but I hope to see some action in the next couple of days.



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Gratz again Rosco thumb.gif

I've always found that baby bristlenoses generally look after themselves. Just keep them away from predators, as you've obviously done and let them eat the algae in the tank. If you haven't got a light over the tank then I'd suggest that you get one because it will help grow some algae. If I were you then I'd probably get the dad out and put him back on the job in the other tank. I'm might be wrong but once the eggs are hatched his role seems to be just to guard the babies.

If you want the fry to grow quicker then a bit of zucchini helps (Willy Wombat can help you out with that blush.gif ). Some people like to boil it first but I just put it in on the end of a bit of wire and then pull out the uneaten skin.

Good luck smile.gif


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PapaRossco strikes again. Well done old man (woops, you young thing you). I can't believe it took your old guy so long to give the young chick some action, but now that he has finally worked it out you will find that they will probably be at it regularly now. wub.gif Mine seem to average a batch almost monthly. I also found that once the fry leave the cave themselves they pretty much look after themselves. Don't try to get them out too soon as I made that mistake once and they were not ready and all died. sadsmiley02.gif Mine are all growing nice and quickly on raw zucchini held down with a plant weight stuck through the flesh or attached to a small rock with an elestic band. I also throw in some algae wafers in between zucchini feeds. Good luck with them. thumb.gif

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