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My Blue Ram has pop-eye!


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Hey sad.gif

One of my Blue Rams has it's right eye seems to be further out of the head than the left and further than any other of my rams...

How do you treat pop-eye??

Does pop-eye spread??

Can my fish survive??

I think it's due to high nitrates in my tank.. (didn't get to do a water change for about a week and a half)

All other fish are heathy...

Any help would be great,


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Mick -

Firstly rams are sensitive little buggers (they often drop dead from MAD (Mysterious Apisto(and Almost Apistos) Death)). I doubt the nitrates are a problem after only a week and a 1/2 unless your tank is stocked to the gills.

How high are the nitrates?

More likely it is a bacterial infection (which rams are more prone too than most things).

I'd recommend bolivian rams to anyone over the blue/gold P. ramirezi. Similarly Nanacara anomala is a good substitute for rams.

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go to your lfs and ask for medication to treat popeye. In my experience, i've only encountered it in Betta's. Make sure it is popeye though before you treat, as if it is not the meds wont do a thing. Is his eye bulging? Or a little swollen. Bulging = popeye, a little swollen= something else. Though I do concer with David- most likly bacterial.

Cheers, Cassandra.

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Hello Mick,

I know Yew is a bit down on Rams, but I love them even though they give me pain sadsmiley02.gif

Almost certainly your fish have a bacterial infection. By the time the eyes start to bulge it is usually terminal. I would seperate the affected fish and treat with broad spectrum antibiotic as a desperate last ditch effort. woot.gif

80 nitrates is way to high for Rams, they are sensitive fish. Under 20 max, less then 5 even better.

Good Luck


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take both the fish with pop eye out of the tank. Put them in a hospital tank. This will stop your other fish getting it (if they die and the other fish start eating them). Pop eye is pretty hard to cure. Unfortunately once the fish has it, it usually resuts in the worst case scenario. It is cause becasue of a build up of flagylates in the body. so much that the liver cannot cope with it and the result is the popped out eye and the bloated appearance. You can try flagyl or matradizonole. But im afaraid once it reached the point twhere the eyes are popped out, the damage is done and is quite hard to reverse.

I'd be doing some water changes, for the other fishes sake. It might be worth checking the food which u have given them. Krusty food that might be off can result in pop eye. also make sure that food doesnt get stck to the side of the tank and thatn later eaten by the fish after it has started rotting.


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