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G'day all,

I have three Lombardoi in my Mbuna tank, one is the mustard yellow colour and the other two are the blue colour. I was always under the impression that the yellow was male and blue female. Was looking in konnings new book and it shows a female as yellow. Is there an easy way of telling a yellow male from female other that venting, this may explain why they have never breed laugh.gif ?


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I was always under the impression that females remained blue, but apparently they can turn a muddy yellow, but usually with age. The male will be a very bright yellow when with females and a lot more boisterous, also the dorsal and anal fins are generally pointier at the ends.


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The dominant females may take on a faded blue / light yellow colour, but this is not common. Most will retain a nice cobalt blue colour. As scorpion said, as they get into old age, they may turn a dirty yellow / blue colour.

You were obviously looking at page 21?

Go to page 121 for better pics of the sexes.

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Put them all in a white ice cream tub with some water - the males change within a few mins to a yellowish colour while females apparently will stay blue (allowing early sexing).


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