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Food advise or suggestions please


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Hi all,

Does anyone use a good feed that has colour enhansing properties but sinks reasonably quickly. I've been using Tetra Colour-Bits and they are a good feed but float for ages before sinking so I'm loosing a lot down the return strainers back to the sump. I know I could soak it first but I'm trying to avoid the routine.



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I'd use HBH Cichlid Attack. It sinks straight away.

It doesn't have any colour enhancing properties (that I am aware of). But why would you want to feed your fish something with a colour enhancer all the time anyway?

Cichlid Attack has Xanthophyll, which is a yellow colour enhancer, and beta carotene, which is a orange and red enhancer.

But i doubt there is much in there.

BTW the pellets is very hard. Takes long for my fish to chew and swallow.

The spectrum would be good, but the price is a bit high.

PS. You can always make your own frozen food.

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Thanks guys,

Oh, Chester I didn't mean "that food" (roids) just most good quality foods these days have natural colour enhansment components in them.



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After upgrading my tank to one with a sump I went through this same problem.

I now use a combination of the HBH Cichlid Attack and Orca Pellets (Med-Lrg) as my staple. My other requirement was for a high protien pellet. It seemed easier to get fast sinking pellets in a veggie based food.



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Hi -

I use a mixture of AoA bits, HBH cichlid attack etc... I get good colour and it all sinks fast!

worth a go methinks... in addition a good frozen food mix works wonders!

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I don't think you can beat a diet of fresh/frozen food to bring out the colour in your fish.

It won't be instant, but over time a healthy, varied diet will not only mean a healthy fish but also a fish that is displaying its best (ie fins, colour ect).

I've never fed any of my fish artificial colour enhancing products, don't quote me on it, but from my knowledge many of these products risk fertility issues with your fish after prolonged use, a risk that I consider too great to take, when a varied/healthy diet seems to do the trick without implications smile.gif

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Laura / Others -

There are two types of colour enhancers:

1. Products like Tetra-bits, Hikari Gold etc contain beta carotene and other pigments which bring out the red/yellow/orange in your fish. Foods that contain spirulina are colour enhancing also. This are highly recommended products which wont harm your fish in anyway!

2. Other "colouring" foods (one particularly water-bird-esk type) achieve colour by the inclusion of "maleing" agents ie: molecules that are either hormones (or induce hormones) to achieve male colouration and finnage (even in females).

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hmmm interesting!

I must admit I haven't fed any of my fish 'dry' food for some years now, so I'm not up to date on what's in 'dry' food anymore.

I just chose fresh/frozen (usually home made) because then I know exactly what they are getting, and because they are spoilt rotten!!! wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

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It won't be instant, but over time a healthy, varied diet will not only mean a healthy fish but also a fish that is displaying its best (ie fins, colour ect).

I'm currently holding a colony of chilumba peacocks for a friend and i have been feeding them frozen food for like a week and the male is beautiful, displaying to the females.

My mainganos have gone more blue, and i have not seen any change in the yellows yet but they are the last to get to any of the food anyways.

Now that i have tried DIY frozen food, i would not bother with colour enhancing food.

Similar to Dave, my staple is HBH cichlid attack, AOA bits and HBH soft and moist spirulina.

But what colfish suggested is a great solution to your problem.



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