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Today I went into a LFS and was browsing at the cichlids..

Saw a tank labelled.. " Please dont ask us what we are "

Meaning the shop had no clue as to what these cichlids were..

Yet they were more then happy to sell them..

Whats your thoughts on this?

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Assorted peacock tanks and assorted zebra tanks are becoming common place in adelaide now, i think it is disgusting. Unfortunately there is not alot that can be done about it other than to try and educate buyers.

Anthony cool.gif

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yeah when to an LFS to buy my girl some angels and neons the other day and they were selling hybrid cichlids, they had it in nice Liquid paper on the glass with a note saying "great for cycling" that kinda knocked me off my feet but oh well, never seen it before

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Assorted peacock tanks and assorted zebra tanks are becoming common place in adelaide now

That has always been the case in Adelaide its not new, reason we have so many hybrids here you can count the shops on your fingers on one hand over here that doesn't do it.

Wholesalers are to blame there by selling assorted peacocks and zebras cheaper.

You can also purchase hybrids through some wholesalers sadsmiley02.gif

Some shops in Adelaide have so much knowledge on what they sell i have seen

johanni's sold as lombardoi and the other way round

red zebras sold as lelupi

EB male and blue dolphin male sold as breeding pair rolleyes.gif

Apricot yellows * New Species*

and the list goes on

The 2 main culprits have been in the industry for over 20 years and still cant ID fish, oh and 1 of them is real good at selling cold water oscars that go great with goldfish dry.gif

and people wonder why we wont buy fry from fish sold from these places.

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