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Back to Cichlids... again!


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Hi guys,

After a few years with marine tanks, I think I gotta go back... to cichlids!!

I used to have 2 tanks with mbunas and e.blue. (My mate bought all of them - including a breeding colony of e.yellow)

I would like to have peacocks this time, no mbunas please. tongue.gif

I would like to visit the best cichlids aquariums around Sydney.

I used to visit St.george, Campsie, and Lams. Are they good for cichlids?

Please recommend me best shops in the town. Oh, I mean, by PM please... LOL.gif

Also do you know any direct cichlids importer? (I know a few direct marine fish importers, not cichlids...) Just for my interest... rolleyes.gif



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I have yet to venture into peacocks myself but would be very keen in the future. you could always have a colony of both if you have a big enough tank or just go with your gut feeling on Peacocks. There are some awesome varieties going around at the moment including some F1 fry and even wild caught fish. Have a look on the classifides and also the breeders register and you will find some sorces for fish smile.gif.

Anthony thumb.gif

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