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Resun canisters


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im currently looking for a canister for my 5ft tank,

i came across the resun canisters, i was pretty impressed because

-great price tag

-comes with all the filter media (mech & bio)

-easy to prime

-also it looks like a eheim prof (but considerably cheaper) wink.gif

i would like opinions from people who know any thing about these canisters, including there experiences, what they heard about it, do they run quietly, is it watertight and any thing that i would want to know about these canisters.

thanks in advance thumb.gifthumb.gif

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I had an older resun 808 that came with a tank that i bought second hand and it gave me nothing but grief ie.....it leaked,went through impellors every 6 months.I changed the seal several times and could never get it to seal properly,a big worry when you are at work and wondering how the tanks at home are going.Having said that i bought a newer Resun 808 at the same time i aquired the older one and it has not given me any problems at all apart from the impellor lasting only 12 months(they are cheap tp replace).So i think that maybe resun has improved with the newer models. thumb.gif

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I have 3 eheim cannisters - all no problems. My neice bought a resun and it has been a real problem - great price but clips easily break as they are not metal, tubes seem to not fit well and it does not seem to do as good a job despite its bigger size. I think with a few minor improvements though it could be a great filter. The priming option is good as is the filter media trays.

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i run 2 ehiems and i have run nearly every filter going and still come back to them, the 2 main reasons are reliability and spare parts , in the past ive thrown away filters due to changes in design resulting in lack of spare parts , i lost a 2 foot bamboo shark due to failiure of a filter and now with my fronnies alone costiing around $600 to replace i reckon the extra $100 or so is well worth the money , mention this forum and auburn will do a ridiculous price on the rolls royce of filters(i have nothing to do with auburn aquarium, im just a bargain hunter)

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seriously i dont have that much money since i dont work anymore, im gonna start uni in a couple of months, so that wouldnt improve my situation at all. i saw those ehiem prof2, looks great, good ratings, but cost more than my tank.

thanks for your help people. also what is a decent canister, that wouldnt break my bank balance as im soon gonna be one of those poor uni students. thumb.gifthumb.gif


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so do the poor uni student thing & make an above tank trickle unit, the plans are in the Sydney Cichlid Page's DIY section.

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im gonna start uni in a couple of months

I know how that feels lol, 3yrs gone 2 more to go.

As for filters, i have kept every type except for canisters and mini reefs.

Back then for me the AC500 is the best choice, reliable and great filtration.

But nowadays with so many canisters with a similar price, i wouldnt mind getting one. Though with the mixed opinions its kinda hard to decide.

I would love an eheim, buying 3 eheims for my 3x 4ft tanks can set me back a bit.

If you cant make a decision on the cheaper canisters, try the AC500. I dont think anyone would disagree.


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No choice reall

Eheim = quality and cheap to run

Fluval cheap to run but can be hard to get some parts

Have a good look at wattage before purchaseing anything

as sometimes that $100 - $200 or so more can save between 352 - 1500 watts of power used over the year. Then work out what you have saved zipit.gif

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