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Attaching Anubia


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I've had an Anubia sp. growing on a piece of driftwood for the last three years in one of my tanks. The problem is that it has outgrown the piece of driftwood. Could someone provide me with some advice on the steps involved in either;

1. Reducing the Anubia's size and reattaching it to the same piece of driftwood.


2. Maintaining the size of the plant and attaching to a new piece of driftwood.

Will the Anubia grow from the base cutting or will it only grow from the growing tip of the plant.



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i'm not what you call an aquatic plant guru but i have sucessfully grafted several anubias on to rocks, ornaments and driftwood. what i do is cut off a section from the base of a well structured plant and tie it on to the intended material with fishing line. after a long time it will take root and the line may then be discarded. i use a product by wardley called "sprout" (aquarium plant food) and have found that when i add this in to the tank the roots take hold faster.

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Thanks for the reply katanaone. I will have a go at attaching it to another piece of driftwood on the weekend. Do you know if Anubias will continue to grow from the original plant even though it does not have any leaves?


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yeah it probably will but if was up to me get the original plant going again then proceed. IMO anubias are one tough plant i have brought one back from the dead when a mate gave me a tank one day it had a shrivelled up Anubias(nana i think) he said that he had the tank sitting in his backyard for a week with no water in it as soon as i got it i trimmed back all the dead leaves and only left the rhysome (i think thats what its called... and spelled) and stuck in a hexagonal mirror backed tank near my window and added some wardley's sprout to it...in a week it was sending up it's first shoots again!


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