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this week is the week


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They are around 14cm. They grow extremely fast, i bought them only a few months ago at 4cm. I feed mine frozen blood worm, beef heart and hikari pellets. They absolutely love white bait. I buy it from the seafood store, and when i drop the white bait in, they go crazy!



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congratulations peter where did you end up finding them.thank god thier not lost.when you get your male if your interested in selling them ill buy the lot.i just didnt have the tank space at the moment to house them properly which is why i dint get any with you.ill have some more tanks going shortly.im trying to get certain rare americans and start up a breeding program so that we dont have these sorts of problems and thier one of the species on the top of my list.all fry i breed will be free to anyone who wants them.let me know.

ps im also looking for festae for the same reason if anyones got any juvies thier interested in offloading


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i got them at rayonne aquarium in melbourne for 45 each which is cheap as chips compared to the others i had seen. im picking them up tommrow at 7 in the morning clap.gif it feels like in 9 and its christmas eve lol

once i get a male ill start the search for a top quality female and will try getting a pair

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