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Enantiopus melanogeny


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Has anyone seen any E. melanogenys for sale or are currently keeping them???

For the last year now i have looked everywhere trying to find some but with no success!!

Enantiopus melanogeny 'Kilesa' are available however not the melanogenys.

Are they still in the country or has another Lake Tang cichlid left us for good???

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Hmm if u have seen enantiopus kelisa... then u have found what u are looking for... its just one of the locational variants of the enantiopus... which i believe is the nicest with the yellow mouth gills.



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yes they are around

I have 5 of them 1 boy 4 girls not breeding yet. But hopefully in a few months they will start he is keen the girls are not!( always the way) they are still about m~9cm, and f ~ 7cm... they are a few pics of them in my post in the photo forums, on the new gallery, or click HERE..there is even one of the male melano haveing a dispute with a male lepto kitumba...that was funny to watch..

I got mine from a private breeder that was not very willing to part with any, but after many months of asking, and buying a few dozen tropheus from him aswell he sold me 5! he has a tank with about 30 of them! lucky bugger.

The kilesa are the ones people seem to prefer with the yellow throat, but i prefer my melanogenies, with the black throat, and nose , and heaps more irredesent blues, and orange in the body and fins, sunlight seems to really excite him, and he puts of a bit of a show when i open the rollar door.

in shops melanogenies, if you can find then usually range from $60-$100 depending on size, kilesa usually start at $100 for a 3-4cm fish, last place i saw these for sale in a shop was wet pets in brisbane at those prices...

although i heard of a bloke on here that got ( yes i know his name but am not telling zipit.giftongue.gif ) 20 kilesa for $50 each...bulk purchase, and then sold a few i think he has 10 left. thumb.gif

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