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Filtration for Bristlenose tank


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I have several tanks (4') with b/n set up with subgravel filters and also canister filter with carbon / charcoal bags (Ehiem). I am finding however that feeding large amounts of vegetable matter (especially zucchini), causes the plastic tubing to clog very quickly and needs cleaning every second or third day - flow rate drops down toa dribble. If I don't use the cannister filters, the tanks cloud quickly.

What do others use for their raising and breeding tanks?


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if the tubes on the canister are blocking up that quick, just imagine what the ug filters would look like after a week. sadsmiley02.gif

i also use large corner box filters, backed up by canisters if the load gets high.

i also do frequent water changes to keep the debris under control.

they may be humle and live in a sewer, but they don't choose to do so. blink.gif nice clean water with a bit of flow suits them fine. thumb.gif

cheers; Colfish

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yes they do indeed like a bit of water movement. try not to leave vegetable matter in the tank for too long, if using zuchinni replace it every 8 or so hours so that it doesn't become mush(technical term laugh.gif ). another thing you can use a bit of filter wool over the intake pipe of the cf but you will have to remove and replace it often.

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