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Fish flashing etc..


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i was after some advice on a problem i have encountered in my display tank. My fish are behaving a bit weird.

First thing i noticed was a few fish flashing on the bottom etc. Then i noticed my eblue was having little spasms and scratching against the heater...his fins would go into little spasms and flick up and down...it looks really strange. I also noticed another fish had the very tip of one of his fins really red (but only in a small spot).

Oh and the last thing i noticed was a slight milky film over the eblue but i added melafix and it cleared up.

My water qualities are fine...no or little ammonia, nitrate, nitrite etc. There is no heavy breathing and all are eating alot.

I am reluctant to add any medications in until i am sure of what it is. I am thinking gill/skin flukes but really not sure. Can anyone confirm this or tell me some other possibilities and give me some ideas other than melafix for medication?

Any help would be much appreciated.



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Have you added any new fish or plants?

Or have you recently done a waterchange or stirred up the gravel?

Are there any other tell tale signs like white spots or gill iritations.

Do you have any scaleless fish in tank?

Sorry ta answer a question with a question but the more info the better.

If there are no clown loaches it usually dosn't hurt to mediacte and turn up the heater a touch for a few days.

Also drop in some rock salt and do a gravel vac a few days running.

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No new fish.

Did a waterchange + gravel vac but noticed everything before i did it.

Apart from a slight milk film on eblue no tell tale signs...all breathing/eating fine...just the weird behaviour.

Bristlenose have scales right? got one in there at the moment so could move her.

what are some medication that could possibly help.

thanks for the reply



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Hi -

I'd be hesitant to medicate unless you know what the cause is. As a 1/2 way house (in case of preliminary and asymptomatic infection with w/spot) you could add some extra salt (NaCl 1tsp/5L) and turn the temp up a bit to get the parasite moving/breeding/cycling faster.

Sometimes fish flash for no apparent reason - it is different to them flashing constantly and isnt always indicative of disease.


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