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Are maggots OK to feed


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Mmmm my dogs just brought one of their manky bones inside to show me that it is filled with maggots. mad.gif But then I had a thought, can I feed these to my fish (the maggots, not the bones) and if so, do I need to do anything with them first? At this time of year it would be very easy to culture maggots to use as fish food. Does anyone do it or is it just too gross to contemplate???? I figured they would be just as good as worms.

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Maggots are actually quite nutritious. Many people breed them to feed to birds and lizards.

I remember reading about a contraption where they had a screen box and a smaller container with a grid bottom underneath filled with oatbran and another container under it to catch the maggots.

Basically you put a bit of rotting meat in the screen box, then the maggots are born, fall off the meat into the box of bran and then eat their way through it and fall into the collection container. This way you get relatively clean maggots come out the bottom, as they have purged their systems with the bran.

Obviously you would store this contraption well away from the house laugh.gif

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their perfectly ok to feed as Andy said, but id be storing them in bran for a couple of days to void the rotten meat out before i used them , another tasty snack that bigger fish love are lawn beetles , they can be collected by leaving a piece of cardboard in the corner of the backyard by the fence most days if your quick you can grab a couple when you lift up the cardboard, and everyone should have a worm farm, the best live food of all!

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I used to breed maggots for use as fish bait, what i did was hang a container in the chook pen with a second small dish hung inside that. put a fishhead or other grotty bit in the dish and put a layer of bran in the bigger container, they wriggle out of the little dish into the bran container then any that wriggle out of the bran container become chook food. the grotty bit need not be big enough to stink the place out , but it needs to be kept moist.


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he he a maggot production system sounds like just the thing to use up that extra space going to waste on rich's side of your garage

hey yeah. I didn't think of that. But I have now. LOL.gif

BTW your, I mean my new fish love the maggots. They are going to expect the same sort of treatment when they come back to your place. How will you cope cultivating live maggots and microworms in your fishroom?

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hmmmm methinks it might be time for a new hobby.

I haven't tried coin collecting... maybe that's a go.

umm nope I heard there's more bacteria on coins than on virtually any other readily available surface.

maybe... collecting porn... that's it, something nice, safe, hygienic and definately less smelly and more socially acceptable than either maggot farming or fish keeping.

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and everyone should have a worm farm, the best live food of all!

I thought I read somewhere that worm farm worms weren't any good to feed to your fish! Obviously that's not the case? wink.gif

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youve just got to feed yer worms healthy tucker, vegs and bread and the like, no dog poop or rotten stuff, this is the beauty of them, you get to feed them what you want to, if you dig them up ,who knows what theve been eating! thumb.gif

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When you say no rotten stuff what do you mean?

When the vegies rot, they're rotten stuff aren't they? wink.gif

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