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trip to Melbourne


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Hey guys,

I'll be going down to melbourne for a short holiday to see some friends/relos.

Would anyone know of any good LFS down there? I hear "Aquatic Art" or something is quite good. And some guy by the name of "Heinz" is also worth meeting.

Name of shop, address and contact numbers would be great! rolleyes.gifblush.gif

thanks guys!

w. laugh.gif

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hey there,

these guys list themselves as "Cichlid Specialists".

They also do the TV feed for the "fishtank" on channel 31.


257 Blackburn Road

Syndal Vic 3149

(P) 03-98033109

These guys have been very helpful. Good knowledge of Cichlids and Marine aquariums:

Fishy Business Aquariums

141 Whitehorse Road Blackburn

03 98770394

Both are in the eastern suburbs and are retail outlets.

The fish are priced as such..



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Heinz has his shop in Dunoon Court in Mulgrave – i got my "infamous in the photo comp" Cobalt blues from him. Shop is pretty old school and messy, but always has a good selection of fish. Prices for food, supplies etc. are pretty cheap too.

Another fave of mine is the St Kilda Aquarium in Barkly Street– its just around the corner from me and always seem to have good healthy cichlids and a good range too.

Mentone aquarium seem to specialise in Marines.

There is another good one up near the Quuen Vic markets (name escapes me now) that also has cheap suppliers etc.

I think there was a post here recently for Melbourne fish shop suggestions. Have a search as I am sure that there was a good detailed list.

Enjoy ya trip down south! smile.gif



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The Queen Vic market shop is "Upmarket Pets".

I forget the street number, but it is on Queen street in the actual shops (not a market stall) on the east side of the market.

Yep, their supplies are pretty cheap. cool.gif

Some of my favourite items there are their moulded ornaments - one of which are really cool moulded pipes that look like old boiler pipes or something.

For a display tank they would provide a nice alternative to "teracotta pots".

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Im down in Melb right now. Off diving for crayfish tomorrow, but would be keen to meet and greet a few ACE members and to have a look at a fish room or two if anyone has some spare time. PM me and i will try to organise. smile.gif

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Aquatic Escape at Maidstone , 2 min from HighPoint Shopping centre, not sure of exact address as i had all my lfs business cards stolen along with my wallet last week . This shop i reckon is one of the best in Melbourne, tanks are really clean and well presented and they have a great selection of cichlids .

Aquatic Art is in Essendon in Buckley St, has a good selection of cichlids they have a website as well.

Rayonne Aquarium is another good one 2 floors and is in Reservoir and V and L Aquarium is around the corner from them.


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Universe Aquariums in Anderson St Yarraville (just near the train line dont know shop number) otherwise id suggest similar to above, Boronia,Aduatic Dreams in Dandenong,Aquatic art in Essendon is not bad but dont go out of your way, Upmarket is worth a look, Heinz`s shop is All Aquarium & Pet Supplies in Dunoon Court Mulgrave ugly setup awesome fish, Hi Fin Aquairum is great for cichlid lovers. Hope ya enjoy your trip. Cheers Andy

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