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Got some driftwood


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I also pour the hottest water from the tap into the bucket once a day for a few weeks. It helps speed things up. I have not resorted to chemicals but I'll admit the bit of wood in my earth eater tank has kept the water very brown for 4 months now. The fish don't seem to mind a bit.

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I was told (many years ago) from my local fish shop to bath it in some bleach solution to get rid of the brown look. I did not want to whole tank to go brown.

Then after it had been sitting in the bleach solution i had to rinse it in water for like 1-2 weeks.

Eg fill up the buck with water and change it every day, for the 1-2 weeks.

This also got it waterlogged enough so that it sat on the bottom by itself.

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In the past I've soaked wood in a bucket or a giant plastic tub. I wash the visable dirt off by hand then put it in the bucket and pour boiling (from the kettle) water over it until it is covered. I then let it sit for a day or so and repeat with the boiling water unitl the water I tip out is clear. Usually only takes about 2 weeks. The wood is also then water logged.

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Guys -

The brown colour is caused by tannic acids (and similar compounds) it isnt anything to worry about (it is harmless - though will drop the pH a little in soft water tanks)

Heated water will leach it more quickly, but sometimes can take months to clear.

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im not worry about the tanning

i like the tanning in the water and the soft water

just want to know how to remove all the harmful microorganisms, toxins, bla, bla, bla..........

im thinking of using bleach, but dont know what is safe and dont know where to get it from

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Hi -

just want to know how to remove all the harmful microorganisms, toxins, bla, bla, bla..........

Which ones? I dont think many nasties that live in wood typically attack fish wink.gif

im thinking of using bleach, but dont know what is safe and dont know where to get it from

Bleach is likely to BE a nasty. Wash the wood well and add it to your tank. Provided it isnt "fresh" or green you shouldnt have any problems.

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