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Mystery ailment


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My male Blue Ram has suddenly taken ill.

Sunday afternoon he was fine, but that night he was acting a bit strange. His fins are not clamped, he is breathing rather hard, his colour is faded except for his blue. He has a slight his eyes are a little swollen ( nothing like popeye that I've seen in Bettas) there is also a slight swelling on his head between his eyes,and he sticks as close as he can to the glass. He also looks rather dazed. Could he have concusion?

The only other fish in the tank is his girlfriend, and until Sunday night they were getting ready to lay eggs. In fact, the female is still 'raring to go'. She is still healthy with no troubles.

Water changes 25% every week.

2ft tank with 2x Aquaclear 150

Temp- 28-29c

Food- cichlid pellets, frozen blood worms twice a week and live bs when LFS has them in stock (1-2 times a month)

Moderetly planted tank with wood.

I've had this pair since January in the same tank. They bred like rabbits until a few months ago when they stopped. A few of us came to the conclusion that they stopped due to the cooler months. They were actually in the courting process and cleaning a log over the last week or so.

Any ideas?

Cheers, Cassandra.

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Yew- I thought somewhere along the same lines, only perhaps the female was a little over zealous and he tried to escape her and smaked into a log/glass or pot. He was fine on Sunday morning, but that night was when I noticed he was a little under the weather.

Touch wood, he has not gotten any worse- but he has also not gotten any better. He does still have that dazed look in his eye. I'll keep you updated.

Cheers, Cassandra.

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I am afraid I am pessimistic. My bet is a bacterial infection of some type given eye and head swelling you describe. South American Dwarfs I think are generally susceptable to bacteria and have little natural protection as soft acidic water stops bacteria.

I would probably try seperating, to avoid any risk of spreading and making sure water nicely conditioned and clean. Hopefully someone has better ideas.

And start looking for a new decent male.

Let us know what happens and good luck.


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Hi Cas -

I think the water changes are a bit much actually, I wouldnt recommend changing more than 10% a day. You'll get the water chemistry swinging around which doesnt help stressed fish (unless there is an obvious pollutant you are trying to remove eg: ammonia/nitrite).

soft acidic water stops bacteria

I dont think this is true. Bacteria as a domain are massively diverse and you just get different bacterial species in softer water. The problem really is with rams (which are, I believe, an immunocomprimised species (at least the "strain" commonly available in the aquarium hobby)).

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Sad news my friends sadsmiley02.gif The male ram died.

It's still a mystery. The female has no trouble- except loosing her mate- so I don't think it was a bacteria. Some one asked me who old he was. Well I bought the pair in January this year and he was about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long. So could it has possibly been age? unsure.gif

Cheers, Cassandra sadsmiley02.gif

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